JOYCE'S ART   paintings' online catalogue 2024

'The Good Bad Dream' mural 
Having just completed this mural, literally hoovering the carpet of the church's common room onto which I had painted this 6 m X 1.5 m work of mural acrylic and aluminum paint on paper, the World Trade Centre in New York was collapsing after having been hit by a hijacked airplane.

Coming down to my kitchen after a thorough finish on the provisional studio's carpet for a much-needed cup of tea, I heard my boyfriend calling me to the televised news onto which I witnessed the live disintegration of the second tower.

'This is the start of the 3rd World War !', I uttered horrified before returning to the common room for the last time.

I had had a great hunger for world news and devoured newspapers avidly throughout the summer during which the mural gradually took form. It now seemed to encompass the tensions at play in a world where Western values conflict with those of developing countries, ready in some areas, and as had now become tragically real, to raise extremists arms.

The colourful 'Let's go to Disneyland' highway to materialistic happiness, sourced from a series of photographs taken in Texas in 2000, contrasts against black and white images extracted from photography and sketches of a vehicle scrap yard in North London, which recall the poverty of urban ghettos, deprived landscapes, countries and people.

'Good Bad Dream'

'Good Bad Dream' - detail left

'Good Bad Dream' - detail center

'Good Bad Dream' - detail right

'Good Bad Dream' - detail I

'Good Bad Dream' - detail II

'Good Bad Dream' - detail III

'Good Bad Dream' - detail IV

'Good Bad Dream' - detail V

'Good Bad Dream' - detail VI

'Good Bad Dream' - detail VII

'Good Bad Dream' - detail VIII